Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SEO by the Sea - Web Search Patents & Articles

In the 1990's I attended a dinner where a computer scientist (unnamed) gave a presentation about the Internet. The thrust of his presentation was he had brought the Internet to the USA. As he described his role, it became apparent he had little to do with it. Instead, it sounded like he was instructed step-by-step how to connect his computer located in the Bay Area to the Web. After I left the dinner, I couldn't stop laughing as my friend mimicked his self-inflating presentation: how he, and he alone, had brought the Internet to the US. Later I read Weaving the Web, and learned about the origin of the Web and the inventor actually responsible for the original design and destiny of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee. In reading that book, O'Reilly's HTTP: The Definitive Guide, Professor Comer's The Internet Book, Castro's HTML 4, and Steven's TCP/IP Illustrated, as well as building my web site, and working with clients on web applications, my interest grew. It's difficult to not take it for granted now, but I still find something so cool about all the world's computers connected in a Web.

Given my interest when Google led me to Bill Slawski's SEO by the Sea blog, I felt compelled to visit it, and see why a SEO blog would be flagged by Google patent alerts. It was surprising in a good way. It's a large and highly organized collection of  literature on search engines and SEO. Mr. Slawski's blog notes he has spent the last six years gathering, reviewing, and discussing patent filings, white papers, and academic literature on search engines, how web pages are ranked, and how a web site and/or blog operator can optimize or at least avoid being penalized by the search engine operators. It's worth a look if you have an interest in how Web search, patents, and SEO intersect.

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