Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wired - Despite Pledging Openness, Companies Rush to Patent AI Tech

If you are considering patenting artificial intelligence (AI) software, you are not alone. See Wired Despite Pledging Openness, Companies Rush to Patent AI Tech.

My comment on the article. I don't think a company's decision to patent AI is inconsistent with maintaining openness of its AI platforms. A company may disclose a platform so others can build on it yet reasonably expect IP protection of other advances that distinguish them from competitors. In software we look to trade secret, patenting, and copyright for legal protection. If a company elects to rely on trade secret, it prevents others from being aware of that information. So again how would clamping down on AI patents and pushing companies toward trade secret, help advance AI research? I don't think the article addresses my question, but it might inform some that AI patenting has increased greatly in the USPTO.

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