Friday, November 20, 2015

Crouch - AIA Patents: 20% of New Patents - Brief Comment

Professor Dennis Crouch's post: AIA Patents: 20% of New Patents includes a chart that graphically shows a steep rise in US patents that have issued under the America Invents Act (AIA). As a reminder, an AIA patent is not entitled to a filing date earlier than March 16, 2013.

I expect a rise in litigation on how 35 USC 102 should be interpreted for AIA patents given the different language of Section 102 of the AIA and given the paucity of court or PTAB decisions to date. I am not certain if the rise in AIA patents will trigger a similar rise in litigation rather than settlement on Section 102 disputes, but it seems likely.

Also see Professor Crouch's First AIA Lawsuits and my article America Invents Act, On Sale Bar, 35 USC 102.

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